Original Title: Poker Winners are Different
Author: Alan N. Schoonmaker
Translation: Ayesha Carmody
Format: 17 x 17 cm
320 pages
Why do poker winners win? Why do we feel that certain poker players are touched by grace? Why does a winner have such an attitude that they seem destined to win? American psychologist Alan N. Schoonmaker has investigated these questions. For years, he has searched for commonalities among winners, listed them, characterized them, and delved deeper into them. From this wealth of information, he has dissected the actions that non-winners can take to become winners. Because he is convinced that winning at poker is not just the result of genius. One can also win at poker because they have worked hard at it.
The book is accompanied by numerous quizzes that allow the reader to self-assess their skills. It will help you gain a mental advantage. It will be very useful for progressing towards poker "gagnitude."