"MIKAMO" - Speed Game - 110 cards
"MIKAMO", pictures and words!
A... Bee, tree, plane, spider... it can be eaten... banana, ice cream, apple, pear, strawberry... who will be the fastest?
Objective of the "MIKAMO" game
Get rid of all your cards.
How to play the "MIKAMO" game
Spread all the "drawing" cards in the center of the table, then distribute 10 Mikamo cards to each player, who places them face down in front of them. The first player randomly reads one of their Mikamo cards (the other players do the same in subsequent rounds): all players must quickly search for a drawing that corresponds to the letter or theme of the card. The first player to find one shows the card and keeps it. The player with the most "drawing" cards at the end of the game wins!